Click on an entry below to search supplier availability. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, we recommend refining your search criteria by utilizing partial words or incorporating segments of the botanical name.
Plants |
Ilex crenata 'Soft Touch' |
Ilex crenata 'Golden Tip Helleri' |
Ilex crenata 'NCIC1' PPAF Glow Pop™ |
Ilex crenata 'NCIC2' PPAF Glow Stick™ |
Ilex crenata 'Chandler' |
Ilex crenata 'Cherokee' |
Ilex crenata 'Compacta' |
Ilex crenata 'Helleri' |
Ilex crenata 'Hetzii' |
Ilex crenata 'Hoogendoorn' |
Ilex crenata 'Steeds' |
Ilex crenata 'Stropkey' |
Ilex crenata 'Excelsa Schwoebel' |
Ilex crenata 'Green Luster' |
Ilex crenata 'Jersey Pinnacle' |
Ilex crenata 'Northern Beauty' |
Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' |
Ilex crenata - Japanese Holly |
Ilex crenata 'Kingsville Green Cushion' |
Ilex crenata 'Bennett's Compacta' Bennett's Japanese Holly |
Ilex crenata Straight & Narrow™ PP29578 |
Ilex crenata 'Farrowone' PP20049 Sky Box® |
Ilex opaca 'Morgan Gold' |
Ilex crenata 'ANNYS1' PP26997 Brass Buckle® |
Juniperus chinensis 'Old Gold' |
Hibiscus syriacus Paraplu Adorned™ PP35300 'Minpapan1' |
Ilex verticillata 'Roberta Case' Berry Heavy® Gold |
Ilex opaca 'Old Heavy Berry' |
Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor Gold' Glow Girl® |
Betula x plettkei 'Golden Treasure' Cesky Gold® |
Ilex x latifolia 'Bobby Dodd' |
Heliconia 'Golden Torch' Heliconia psittacorum 'Gold Torch' |
Quercus ilex - Holly Oak Holm Oak |
Ilex 'Magden' PP30451 Golden Oakland™ |
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' Gold Thread Golden Threadbranch Cyparis |
Malus 'Harvest Gold'® Harvest Gold® Crabapple |
Juniperus communis 'Gold Cone' Gold Cone Juniper |
Prunus persica 'Desert Gold' Desert Gold Peach |
Lantana / Gold |
Chrysogonum virginianum - Green-and-Gold Green-and-Gold |
Codiaeum variegatum 'Gold Dust' |
Achillea 'Coronation Gold' |
Bougainvillea 'California Gold' |
Canna 'Tropicana Gold' |
Guzmania 'Bernie's Gold' |
Hedychium 'Gold Flame' |
Hemerocallis 'Aztec Gold' |
Magnolia 'Gold Star' |
Neoregelia 'Gold Fever' |
Sedum 'Weihenstephaner Gold' |
Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' - Gold Dust |
Ilex - Holly Holly |
Juanulloa aurantiaca - Gold Finger Plant |
Alocasia 'New Guinea Gold' |
Ananas comosus 'Elite Gold' |
Aurinia saxatilis 'Gold Dust' |
Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Korean Gold' |
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Fernspray Gold' |
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Kings Gold' |
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Vintage Gold' |
Chrysogonum virginicum 'Quinn's Gold' |
Dryopteris wallichiana 'Jurassic Gold' |
Duranta erecta 'Gold Mound' |
Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Winters Gold' |
Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' |
Ginkgo biloba Presidential Gold® |
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' |
Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Tip' |
Juniperus conferta 'All Gold' |
Lantana camara 'New Gold' |
Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Gold Rush' |
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Dart's Gold' |
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Black Gold' |
Schefflera arboricola 'Gold Capella' |
Spiraea japonica 'Gold Mound' |
Syngonium podophyllum 'Gold Allusion'™ |
Thuja x 'Powdered Gold' |
Ilex x attenuata 'Fosteri' Ilex 'Fosteri' |
Ilex x attenuata 'Savannah' Ilex 'Savannah' |
Acalypha wilkesiana 'Kona Gold' |
Cercis canadensis 'Hearts of Gold' |
Coleus scutellarioides 'Gold Mound' |
Cornus kousa 'Gold Star' |
Picea abies 'Gold Drift' |
Taxodium distichum 'Autumn Gold' |
Thuja orientalis 'Berkman's Gold' |
Ilex x 'RutHol1' PP23905 Emerald Colonnade® |
Ilex vomitoria 'Stokes Dwarf' Ilex vomitoria 'Schillings' |
Ilex x attenuata 'Eagleston' Ilex opaca 'Eagleston' |
Ilex 'Homefire' |
Ilex Liberty™ |
Alocasia macrorrhiza 'New Guinea Gold' |
xCupressocyparis leylandii 'Robinson's Gold' |
Euonymus fortunei 'Roemertwo' Gold Splash® |
Forsythia x intermedia 'Lynwood Gold' |
Lonicera x heckrottii 'Gold Flame' |
Handroanthus chrysotrichus - Golden Trumpet Tree Tabebuia chrysothricha |
Ilex cornuta 'Dwarf Burford' Ilex cornuta 'Nana Burfordii' |
Galphimia glauca - Shower-of-Gold Thryallis glauca |
Ilex glabra IlexFarrowTracey' PP30147 Strongbox® |
Berberis thunbergii Sunjoy Gold Pillar® PP18082 'Maria' |
Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Gold Brocade' Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Ogon Nishiki' |
Ilex cassine Nativa™ |
Ilex cassine 'Perdido' |
Ilex cassine 'Tensaw' |
Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' |
Ilex cornuta 'Carissa' |
Ilex cornuta 'Compacta' |
Ilex cornuta 'Sizzler' |
Ilex 'Dr. Kassab' |
Ilex 'Emily Bruner' |
Ilex glabra 'Compacta' |
Ilex glabra 'Densa' |
Ilex glabra 'Nigra' |
Ilex glabra 'Shamrock' |
Ilex latifolia 'Auburn' |
Ilex 'Mary Nell' |
Ilex opaca 'Cardinal' |
Ilex opaca 'Greenleaf' |
Ilex 'STBB' Aspire™ |
Ilex verticillata 'Winterberry' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Hightower' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Roundleaf' |
Ilex x 'Apollo' |
Cordyline fruticosa 'Gold Edge Red Sister' |
xCupressocyparis leylandii 'Gold Rider' |
Dianella "Green and Gold" - Flax Lily |
Forsythia Gold Tide® 'Courtasol' PP9104 |
Juniperus chinensis 'Gold Lace' PP8202 |
Juniperus chinensis 'Saybrook Gold' PP5014 |
Lantana camara 'White Gold' PP17207 |
Tecoma stans 'SMNTSC' PPAF Chicklet® Gold |
Ilex x attenuata - East Palatka Holly Ilex 'East Palatka' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Nana' - Dwarf Yaupon Ilex vomitoria - Dwarf Yaupon |
Ilex verticillata 'Stoplight' Stoplight Winterberry |
Ilex verticillata 'Wintergold' Wintergold Winterberry |
Ilex glabra - Gallberry, Inkberry Inkberry |
Acer rubrum 'JFS-KW78' Armstrong Gold® |
Thuja occidentalis Highlights™ 'Janed Gold' PP21967 |
Thuja occidentalis 'SMTOYB' PP25388 Polar Gold® |
Vaccinium corymbosum 'ANDVAL1601' Sky Dew® Gold |
Zelkova serrata 'C Creek 1' Gold Falls™ |
Ilex cornuta 'Fine Line' |
Ilex decidua 'Warren Red' |
Ilex Festive™ PP9498 |
Ilex glabra 'Georgia Wine' |
Ilex 'Nellie R. Stevens' |
Ilex opaca 'Dan Fenton' |
Ilex opaca 'Gable' (male) |
Ilex opaca 'Jersey Knight' |
Ilex opaca 'Jersey Princess' |
Ilex opaca 'Judy Evans' |
Ilex opaca 'Satyr Hill' |
Ilex paraguariensis - Yerba Mate |
Ilex purpurea 'D09' |
Ilex verticillata 'Jim Dandy' |
Ilex verticillata 'Red Sprite' |
Ilex verticillata 'Southern Gentleman' |
Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Folsum's Weeping' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Kathy Ann' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Shadow's Female' |
Ilex 'Wirt L. Winn' |
Ilex x attenuata 'Greenleaf' |
Ilex x 'Carolina Sentinel' |
Ilex x 'James Swan' |
Ilex x 'Miss Patricia' |
Ilex cornuta 'Needlepoint' Needlepoint Chinese Holly |
Ilex cassine - Dahoon Holly Dahoon Holly |
Ilex decidua - Possum Haw Possum Haw |
Ilex opaca - American Holly American Holly |
Ilex verticillata - Common Winterberry Winterberry / Common |
Ilex vomitoria - Yaupon Holly Yaupon Holly |
Chamaecyparis pisifera Soft Serve® Gold PP30665 'FARROWCGMS' |
Colocasia esculenta 'Maui Gold' PP24482 Royal Hawaiian® |
Cotinus coggygria Winecraft Gold® PP30327 'MINCOJAU3' |
Juniperus x pfitzeriana Sea of Gold® PP17622 'Monsan' |
Spiraea japonica 'Yan' PP21615 Double Play® Gold |
Ilex 'Conal' PP9485 Cardinal™ |
Ilex 'Conin' PP9486 Robin™ |
Ilex 'Conive' PP9498 Festive™ |
Ilex 'Conot' PP12010 Patriot™ |
Ilex 'Conty' PP12009 Liberty™ |
Ilex glabra compacta 'F & F' |
Ilex latifolia - Lusterleaf Holly |
Ilex 'Magland' PP14417 Oakland™ |
Ilex opaca 'Miss Helen' (female) |
Ilex verticillata 'Spravy' Berry Heavy® |
Ilex verticillata x serrata 'Sparkleberry' |
Ilex vomitoria Bordeaux™ PP8779 |
Ilex vomitoria 'Gray's Green Leaf' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Shadow's Big Leaf' |
Ilex x 'Acadiana'™ PP14418 |
Ilex x attenuata 'Big John' |
Ilex x attenuata 'Foster #2' |
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Girl' |
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Maid' |
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' |
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princess' |
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Stallion' |
Ilex x meserveae 'Centennial Girl' |
Ilex x meserveae 'China Girl' |
Ilex x Rutzan 'Red Beauty' |
Ilex cornuta - Chinese/Needlepoint Holly Needlepoint Holly |
Ilex vomitoria pendula - Weeping Yaupon Weeping Yaupon |
Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana' Berckman's Gold Arborvitae Platycladus orientalis 'Aurea Nana' |
Ilex vomitoria 'Pride Of Houston' - Yaupon |
Ilex 'Conaf' PP9487 Oak Leaf™ |
Ilex opaca (female) - American Holly |
Ilex verticillata First Editions® Wildfire™ 'Bailfire' |
Ilex x meserveae - Blue Holly |
Ilex krugiana - Krug's Holly, Tawny-berry Holly Krug's Holly |
Ilex vomitoria / Female - Yaupon Holly |
Ilex glabra 'SMNIGLA' PP35019 Squeeze Box™ |
Ilex perado - Steeple Holly, Madeira Holly |
Ilex x meserveae 'China Boy' PP4803 |
Ilex x wandoensis 'Oostanuala' Green Castle Holly™ |
Camellia / Cold Hardy Hybrids |
Syngonium podophyllum 'Bold Allusion'™ |
Ilex glabra 'SMNIGAB17' PP27554 Gem Box® |
Ilex integra x latifolia 'Screen Play' PP27524 |
Ilex verticillata Berry Poppins® PP25835 'FarrowBPop' |
Ilex x aquipernyi 'Meschick' PP4996 Dragon Lady® |
Ilex x attenuata 'IABOF' PP20997 Miss Pryss® |
Ilex x meserveae 'Hachfee' PP14310 Castle Spire® |
Ilex x meserveae 'Heckenstar' PP14308 Castle Wall® |
Ilex x meserveae 'SMNIFA' PP31118 Castle Keep® |
Clematis 'Zojogo' PPAF Jolly Good™ |
Coccothrinax crinita - Old Man Palm Old Man Palm |
Ilex verticillata 'FarrowMrP' PP25834 Mr. Poppins® |
Ilex x 'HL 10 90' PP14477 Christmas Jewel® |
Ilex x meserveae 'HACH1' PP25475 Castle Rouge™ |
Ilex x Robin™ PP9486 - Red Robin Holly Red Robin Holly |
Camellia / Zone 6 Cold Hardy Hybrid |
Rosa 'Meianycid' PP27894 Gilded Sun™ |
Buxus microphylla 'Old English' |
Tabebuia aurea - Silver Trumpet Tree Caribbean Trumpet Tree,Tree of Gold Yellow Tabebuia |
Ligustrum ovalifolium Good Vibrations® PP34245 'NCLO1' |
Thuja plicata '4EVER' PP19267 Forever Goldy® |
Loropetalum chinense Jazz Hands Bold® PP27748 'Kurenai Daiou' |
Phyllostachys aurea 'Holochrysa' Golden Golden Bamboo Golden Golden Bamboo |
Annona glabra - Pond Apple Pond Apple |
Bolusanthus speciosus - Wild Wisteria Wild Wisteria |
Canella winterana - Wild Cinnamon Wild Cinnamon |
Cassia fistula - Golden Shower Golden Shower |
Gardenia tubifera - Golden Gardenia Golden Gardenia |
Geranium maculatum - Wild Geranium Wild Geranium |
Orontium aquaticum - Golden Club Golden Club |
Psychotria nervosa - Wild Coffee Wild Coffee |
Ruellia caroliniensis - Wild Petunia Wild Petunia |
Taxodium ascendens - Pond Cypress Pond Cypress |
Taxodium distichum - Bald Cypress Bald Cypress |
Vaccinium darrowii - Wild Blueberry Wild Blueberry |
Zanthoxylum fagara - Wild Lime Wild Lime |
Zizania aquatica - Wild Rice Wild Rice |
Forsythia - Golden-Bells |
Duranta erecta - Golden Dewdrop Purple Golden Dewdrop |
Pityopsis graminifolia - Silkgrass, Golden Aster Golden Aster |
Jasminum molle |
Malus 'Gala' |
Ernodea littoralis - Golden/Beach Creeper Golden Creeper |
Lysiloma latisiliquum - Wild/False Tamarind Wild Tamarind |
Manilkara jaimiqui emarginata - Wild Dilly Wild Dilly |
Prunus americana - American/Wild Plum Wild Plum |
Phyllostachys aurea - Golden Bamboo Fishpole Bamboo Golden Bamboo |
Asarum canadense - Wild Ginger |
Heuchera americana - Wild Alum |
Sabinea caribaea - Carib Wood |
Sedum acre - Golden Moss |
Bambusa tuldoides - Punting Pole Bamboo Punting Pole Bamboo |
Baptisia alba - White Wild Indigo White Wild Indigo |
Dryopteris ludoviciana - Southern Wood Fern Southern Wood Fern |
Echinocactus grusonii - Golden Barrel Cactus Golden Barrel Cactus |
Pachystachys lutea - Golden Shrimp Plant Shrimp Plant / Golden |
Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata' - Golden Hawaiian Golden Hawaiian Bamboo |
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop' Golden Mop Sawara False Cypress |
Jatropha podagrica - Gout Plant Buddha Belly Jatropha Gout Plant |
Agave 'Blue Glow' |
Aglaonema 'Golden Madonna' |
Dianthus / Jolt™ Series |
Hosta 'Golden Tiara' |
Malus 'Dorsett Golden' |
Malus 'Golden Raindrops' |
Neoregelia 'Voodoo Doll'™ |
Philodendron 'Dark Lord' |
Schinus molle California Pepper Tree |
Plumbago zeylanica - Wild Plumbago, Doctorbush Wild Plumbago |
Phoenix sylvestris - Silver/Wild Date Palm Wild Date Palm |
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' - Golden Twig |
Rhododendron 'Golden Lights' |
Psychotria spp. - Wild Coffee (FL Natives) Wild Coffee (FL Natives) |
Elymus - Wild Rye, Lyme Grass |
Nuphar lutea - Yellow Pond Lily, Spatterdock Yellow Pond Lily |
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' |
Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess' |
Berberis thunbergii 'Rose Glow' |
Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' |
Camellia sasanqua 'Stephanie Golden' |
Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Golden Mop' |
Ginkgo biloba 'Golden Globe' |
Leucothoe axillaris 'Dodd's Variegated' |
Lycium barbarum - Goji Berry |
Metasequoia glyptostroboides Amber Glow™ |
Myrcianthes fragrans 'Geode Compacta' |
Neoregelia johannis 'DeRolf' |
Pentas lanceolata 'Ruby Glow' |
Prunus subhirtella 'Snow Goose' |
Schizachyrium maritimum - Gulf Bluestem |
Syzygium australe 'Neighbor be Gone' |
Thuja occidentalis North Pole® |
Yucca filamentosa 'Golden Sword' |
Dryopteris x australis - Dixie Wood Fern |
Duranta erecta 'Alba' - White Golden Dewdrop |
Psychotria nervosa / Prostrate Dwarf Wild Coffee |
Salix alba 'Niobe' - Golden Weeping Willow |
Pentalinon luteum - Wild Allamanda Yellow Mandevilla |
Pseudolarix amabilis - Golden Larch Pseudolarix kaempferi |
Radermachera sinica - China Doll Radermachera sinica |
Acer palmatum 'Glowing Embers' |
Acer rubrum 'New World' |
Cornus mas 'Golden Glory' |
Thuja occidentalis 'Golden Globe' |
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Gulf Coast' |
Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Golden Mop' |
Chrysopsis - Goldenaster Golden Aster |
Cocos nucifera 'Golden Malayan' |
Graptoveria paraguayense Golden Hedgehyssop |
Epipremnum aureum - Golden, Marble Pothos Scindapsus aureus |
Canna flaccida - Yellow/Golden Canna Yellow Canna |
Koelreuteria elegans - Golden Rain Tree Koelreuteria formosana |
Koelreuteria paniculata Varnish Tree, Golden Rain Tree |
Burbidgea scheizocheila - Golden Brush Ginger |
Aster cordifolius Blue Wood Aster |
Echinacea purpurea Pow Wow® 'Wild Berry' |
Fragaria 'Fraises Des Boise' - Wild Strawberry |
Impatiens SunPatiens® Compact Rose Glow |
Viburnum dentatum var. deamii Glitters & Glows® |
Psychotria ligustrifolia Bahama/Dwarf Wild Coffee Psychotria bahamensis |
Arachis glabrata 'Golden Glory' Perennial Peanut |
Ligustrum 'NCLX1' PP27301 Golden Ticket® |
Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Sosa' PP28583 Mood Ring® |
Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows® PP11287 'Wstackman' |
Viburnum dentatum - Arrowwood Viburnum Arrow-wood |
Hydrangea macrophylla Wedding Gown™ PP21052 'Dancing Snow' |
Juniperus conferta 'sPg-3-016' Golden Pacific™ |
Cercis canadensis Golden Falls® PP31658 'NC2015-12' |
Rhododendron (azalea) Sunbow® Solar Glow™ 'QbackA' PP27082 |
Cedrus atlantica - Atlas Cedar Golden Atlas Cedar |
Musella lasiocarpa - Chinese Yellow Banana Golden Lotus Banana |
Ficus aurea - Strangler Fig, Golden Fig Strangler Fig |
Hydrangea arborescens - Smooth Hydrangea Wild Hydrangea Smooth Hydrangea |
Licaria triandra - Pepperleaf Sweetwood Gulf Licaria Pepperleaf Sweetwood |
Spartina pectinata 'Aureo-marginata' Aureo-marginata Prairie Cord Grass |
Wrightia religiosa - Water Jasmine, Moke Lady's Earrings, Wild Water Plum |
Viburnum cassinoides - Withe-rod Viburnum Withe-rod Viburnum |
Sophora tomentosa truncata - Yellow Necklace Pod Yellow Necklace Pod |
Thelypteris kunthii - Southern Shield Fern Southern Wood Fern Southern Shield Fern |
Handroanthus chrysanthus - Yellow Trumpet Tree Golden Goddess, Yellow Ipe Yellow Trumpet Tree |
Peltophorum pterocarpum - Copper Pod Yellow Poinciana / Copperpod Yellow Poinciana |
Samanea saman - Rain Tree/Monkey Pod Rain Tree |
Hydrangea quercifolia Gatsby Gal® PP25106 'Brenhill' |
Gardenia jasminoides Steady as She Goes® 'Prince Charles' PP29304 |
Koelreuteria bipinnata - Chinese Flame Tree Chinese Flame |
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