Request for Quote System

FREE and Easy to use Request For Quote (RFQ) System

How would you like to source materials lightning fast and reach thousands of vendors in seconds? See what our new and improved PlantSearch® RFQ system is all about!

PlantSearch® RFQ is an easy-to-use FREE Request for Quote (RFQ) system. It can be accessed from your desktop, mobile phone, or tablet. It sends an easy to read RFQ to all vendors advertising your desired plant(s)/supply needs lighting fast!

PlantSearch® RFQ uses our PlantSearch® database to source plants. All you have to do is select your plant(s)/supply needs, set the criteria (size, quantity, and specs) and generate your RFQ. An email is then sent to each vendor that has your requested plant/supply listed. The vendor has the option of responding via PlantSearch® website or contacting you directly.

PlantSearch® RFQ is designed for you, as the buyer!

Please SIGN-IN or REGISTER to start using our FREE RFQ system.