Plant of the Month

Silver/Wild Date Palm


General Properties

Plant Name: Phoenix sylvestris - Silver/Wild Date Palm
Common Names: Wild Date Palm, Silver Date Palm, Toddy Palm, India Date
Plant Type: Palm
Origin: India
Family: Arecaceae
Height (ft): 40
Growth: Slow
Hardiness Zones: 9-11
Minimum Temp: 22°F (Cold Hardy)
Temp Info: Undamaged at 22°F.
Salt Tolerance: Medium
Drought: High
Soil pH: Slightly Acidic, Neutral, Slightly Alkaline
Soil Type: Wide
Soil Drainage: Well Drained
Light: High
Nutrition: Medium

Flower & Leaf Properties

Flower Property: Insignificant
Flower Color: White
Foliage Color: Blue, Green
Leaf Property: Pinnately Compound
Leaf Texture: Medium
Season: Spring

Other Properties

Uses: Specimen Tree
Propagate: Seeds Germinating In 2-3 Months
Fruit: Oblong, 1", Orange-yellow Ripening To Reddish-purple
Hazardous Properties: Irritant,spiny
Problems: Graphiola False Smut
Notes: The bluish-green cast of the leaves is variable. Male plants produce large quantities of potent airborne pollen.
Photo by Becker Tree Farm.
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Vendor Availability
You can find Phoenix sylvestris - Silver/Wild Date Palm in PlantFinder® & PlantSearch® from the following 84 vendors: