Plant of the Month

Windmill Palm


General Properties

Plant Name: Trachycarpus fortunei - Windmill Palm
Common Names: Windmill Palm, Chinese Windmill Palm, Chusan, Hemp Palm
Plant Type: Palm
Origin: China
Family: Arecaceae
Height (ft): 25
Growth: Slow,medium
Hardiness Zones: 7-11
Minimum Temp: 10°F (Cold Hardy)
Temp Info: Variably unscathed or minor damage at 10°F. Thought to be hardy to at least 0°F.
Salt Tolerance: Medium
Drought: Medium
Soil pH: Acidic, Slightly Acidic, Neutral, Slightly Alkaline
Soil Type: Wide
Soil Drainage: Well Drained
Light: Medium,high
Nutrition: Medium

Flower & Leaf Properties

Flower Property: Dense Clusters,dioecious,fragrant
Flower Color: Green, Yellow
Foliage Color: Green
Leaf Property: Simple, Alternate, Palmate, Induplicate
Leaf Texture: Coarse
Season: Spring, Summer

Other Properties

Uses: Tropical Accent Or Specimen Tree, Planter, Patio Tree, Foundation Planting In Combination With Other Landscape Plants Or As A Cold Hardy Replacement For Sabal Palmetto And Chamaerops Humilis.
Propagate: Seeds Germinating In 2 Months
Fruit: 1/2" Blue-black Drupe, Fleshy
Hazardous Properties: Spiny
Problems: Phytophthora Bud Rot, Scale, Palm Aphid. Moderately Susceptible To Lethal Yellowing (Zones 10-11 Only).
Notes: Trachycarpus fortunei is one of the most cold hardy palms. They tend to be short-lived in hot, tropical climates. Old, large specimens are found growing in the upper Piedmont areas of the Carolinas in USDA Hardiness Zone 7A. The trunk is covered in dense, hairlike fibers. The fan-shaped leaves resemble a windmill. Protect from harsh winds to minimize leaf tearing. Petioles have 2 rows of small spines.
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